Almaty, Kazahkstan, on Saturday, October 11, 2014.
Somehow I managed to get dragged to an auto parts and supply mall.
Murat took me on errands to find a cleaner solution for the interior of his Mercedes. “I want to show you how the locals live.” It was a run down bazaar of just auto supply stores. “I want you to go home and tell your friends this is Almaty. Haha! That is a joke.” But I was confused and jetlagged. “Then maybe there will be a picture of you cleaning my car! Haha. It is a joke. Why you’re not laughing?”
I was still wondering what we were doing there and for how long. Fortunately they didn’t have the cleaner he wanted and we left.
Almaty, Kazakhstan’s former capital, is a big modern city flanked by ski resort mountains to the south.
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