Osh, Kyrgyzstan, on Friday, October 17, 2014.
Folklore says that the city of Osh, once a hub for the Silk Road, was founded by King Solomon or Alexander the Great. Over the centuries, it’s been destroyed and rebuilt, and today it’s a vibrant city and college town that’s not as cosmopolitan as Bishkek. One thing that has remained constant over the years is Suleiman Too, the huge five peak crag that stands in the middle of the city. It’s hard to miss.
Four college girls walking down Kurmanjan Datka near the university campus show off the diversity of Kyrgyzstan’s youth.
Things people in Osh like to do for fun: ping pong, riding on twirling swings and other carnival rides in the park, and duh, roller skating!
At a certain angle, Osh’s statue of Lenin — a throwback to the Soviet era — looks like he’s hitchhiking.
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